Alert Service ============= Integrate ASAB Application with alert managers. There are currently two possible target systems for the alerts available: - Opsgenie - - PagerDuty - Everything you need to do is to import the service, trigger the alert and specify the target in the **configuration**. .. code:: python class MyApplication(asab.Application): async def initialize(self): from asab.alert import AlertService self.AlertService = AlertService(self) self.AlertService.trigger( source="my-tenant", alert_cls="my-class", alert_id="deduplication-id01", title="Something went wrong.", detail={ "example1": "additional-info", "example2": "additional-info", }, ) if __name__ == '__main__': app = MyApplication() Opsgenie -------- - Create an account at Opsgenie. - In your Opsgenie account, create a new **Team**. - Add integration to your Team - choose **API**. - API Key will be generated for you. *myapplication.conf* .. code:: [asab:alert:opsgenie] api_key=my-api-key tags=my-tag, my-application url= # this is default value PagerDuty --------- - Create an account at PagerDuty. - In your PagerDuty account, generate **Api Key** (Integrations > Developer Tools > Api Access Keys). - Create a new Service in Service Directory and add integration in the Integrations folder. - Choose **Events API V2**. An **Integration Key** will be generated for you. *myapplication.conf* .. code:: [asab:alert:pagerduty] api_key=my-api-key integration_key=my-integration-key url= # this is default value De-duplication -------------- `alert_id` argument serves as a de-duplication ID for the third-party services. It enables the grouping of alerts and prevents noise. More about alert grouping: - Opsgenie: - PagerDuty: