.. currentmodule:: asab.metrics Metrics ======= Metrics document the state of the application in a timescale manner. For further analysis, connect your ASAB application to a time-series database. `Influx `_ and `Prometheus `_ are supported. Metrics Service ------------------------ Create new metrics using :class:`MetricsService`. *example of counter initialization:* .. code:: python class MyApplication(asab.Application): async def initialize(self): from asab.metrics import Module self.add_module(Module) self.MetricsService = self.get_service('asab.MetricsService') self.MyCounter = self.MetricsService.create_counter("mycounter", tags={'foo': 'bar'}, init_values={'v1': 0, 'v2': 0}) if __name__ == '__main__': app = MyApplication() app.run() See the full example here: https://github.com/TeskaLabs/asab/blob/master/examples/metrics.py Types of Metrics ---------------- - :class:`Gauge` stores single numerical values which can go up and down. Implements :func:`set` method to set the metric values. - :class:`Counter` is a cumulative metric whose values can increase or decrease. Implements :func:`add` and :func:`sub` methods. - Event per Second Counter (:class:`EPSCounter`) divides all values by delta time. - :class:`DutyCycle` https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_cycle - :class:`AggregationCounter` allows to :func:`set` values based on an aggregation function. :func:`max` function is default. - :class:`Histogram` represents cumulative histogram with :func:`set` method. :class:`Counter`, :class:`AggregationCounter` and :class:`Histogram` come also in variants respecting dynamic tags. (See section :ref:`Dynamic Tags`.) All methods that create new metrics objects can be found in the Metrics Service reference. You should never initiate a new metrics object on its own, but always through Metrics Service. Metris initialization is meant to be done in the init time of your application and **should not be done during runtime**. ASAB Metrics Interpretation ---------------------------- Metrics Service not only creates new metrics but also periodically collects their values and sends them to selected databases. Every 60 seconds in the application lifetime, Metrics Service gathers values of all ASAB metrics. All Counters (and metric types that inherit from :class:`Counter`) reset at this event to their initial values by default. Interpretation of ASAB Counters is affected by their resetable nature. Even though they monotonously increase, resetting every minute gives them a different meaning. In a long-term observation (that's how you most probably monitor the metrics in time-series databases), these metrics count **events per minute**. Thus, resettable Counters are presented to Prometheus database as gauge-type metrics. Set the `reset` argument to `False` when creating a new Counter to disable Counter resetting. This periodic "flush" cycle also causes 60s delay of metric propagation into supported time-series databases. Initial Values -------------- You can initiate your metric instance with or without initial values. When providing initial values, these values are always present and presented to databases even when these values were untouched during the last 60 seconds. You will always see these values in the data, with initial state or changed by occasion. However, the lifetime of values (name and value pairs) added during runtime is only 60 s. Thus, if this value is not set during 60s period, you won't see it in your database anymore. .. _dynamic_tags: Built-in Tags ------------- Tags help you to sort and group metrics in a selected target database, and analyze the data easily. Several "static" tags are provided directly by ASAB. .. option:: host This is a hostname of the server or machine where the application is running .. option:: appclass This is the name of the application. It is literally the name of the class that inherits from the ASAB Application object. .. option:: node_id Present if NODE_ID environmental variable is specified. Meant to specify a node in the cluster. Automatically set by the Remote Control. .. option:: service_id Present if SERVICE_ID environmental variable is specified. Meant to specify a service in the cluster. Automatically set by the Remote Control. .. option:: instance_id Present if INSTANCE_ID environmental variable is specified. Meant to specify an instance in the cluster. Automatically set by the Remote Control. You can use with convenience the three last tags even without Remote Control by adding the respective environmental variables to Docker containers (or any other technology you use to run ASAB microservices). Dynamic Tags ------------ Some metric types (Counter, AggregationCounter, Histogram) allow you to use dynamic tags. All metrics in ASAB carry some tags - Hostname by default and others added by custom. Using dynamic tags allows you to create values with a specific tag-set during runtime. Specific tag-sets expire after defined period. This might be spotted in your time-series database like a mysterious disappearance of unused tags. Specify expiration period in confiuration. Default is 60 s. *example configuration* .. code:: [asab:metrics] expiration=60 Timestamp --------- **Timestamp** contains the record of the precise moment the metric's value was created or committed to the database. There are two types of metrics: resettable (`is_reset` = True) and non-resettable (`is_reset` = False). To reset a metric means to set it back to its initial value (for example, back to 0). The metric's type is determined by the ``reset: bool = True`` parameter of the metric's constructor at the moment it is created. We measure non-resettable metrics at the time of their creation (`there are several possible methods depending on the metric's general logic`), while the resettable ones are measured when we send data to the database (`which is also the moment of them being reset`). +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ | |Metric's Type |Description / Methods |Time is Measured |Timestamp Value Appears|is_reset | +===+==============+=================================+=======================+=======================+=========+ |1F |**Gauge** |Stores single numerical values |when metric is created |**set()** |**False**| | | |which can go up and down. |`(actual time)` |for actual time | | | | | | | | | | | |**add_field() /** | | | | | | |**set()** | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |2F |**Counter** |A cumulative metric; |when metric is created |**add()** or **sub()** |**False**| | | |values can increase or decrease |`(actual time)` |for actual time | | | | |Never stops. | | | | | | | | | | | | |`Allows |**add_field() /** | | | | | |dynamic tags` |**add() / sub() / flush()** | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |2T |**Counter** |A cumulative metric; |every 60 seconds |**flush()** |**True** | | | |values can increase or decrease | |- time of the test | | | | |Set to 0 every 60 seconds. | |flush | | | | | | | | | | |`Allows |`AgregationCounter behavior is | | | | | |dynamic tags` |based on the resettable Counter.`| | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |3F |**EPSCounter**|There is an adjustable |`*****` |`*****` |**False**| | | |reset parameter | | | | | | |in the metric’s constructor. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |`reset: bool = True` | | | | | | |`reset: bool = False` | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |3T |**EPSCounter**|Divides the count of events |every 60 seconds |**flush()** |**True** | | | |by the time difference between | | | | | | |measurements. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |**flush()** | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |4T |**DutyCycle** |The fraction of one period in |every 60 seconds |**flush()** |**True** | | | |which a signal/system is active. | | | | | | |A 60% DC means the signal is on | | | | | | |60% and off 40% of the time. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |**add_field() /** | | | | | | |**set() / flush()** | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |5F |**Aggregation |Keeps track of max or min value |when metric is created |**set()** |**False**| | |Counter** |of the Counter. |`(actual time)` | | | | | |Maximum value is a default. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |**set() /** | | | | | |`Allows |`+inherits from the Counter` | | | | | |dynamic tags` |**add()/sub()** `are overwritten`| | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |5T |**Aggregation |`*****` |every 60 seconds |**flush()** |**True** | | |Counter** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |`Allows | | | | | | |dynamic tags` | | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |6F |**Histogram** |Represents cumulative histogram |when metric is created |**set()** |**False**| | | |with a set() method. |`(actual time)` | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |`Allows |**add_field() /** | | | | | |dynamic tags` |**set() / flush()** | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ |6T |**Histogram** |`*****` |every 60 seconds |**flush()** |**True** | | | | | | | | | |`Allows | | | | | | |dynamic tags` | | | | | +---+--------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+ InfluxDB -------- Metrics can be collected in the Influx time-series database. *configuration example:* .. code:: [asab:metrics] target=influxdb [asab:metrics:influxdb] url=http://localhost:8086/ bucket=my_bucket org=my_org token=my_token **InfluxDB 2.0 API parameters**: - **url** - [required] url string of your influxDB - **bucket** - [required] the destination bucket for writes - **org** - [required] specifies the destination organization for writes - **orgid** - [optional] specifies the ID of the destination organization for writes (NOTE: If both orgID and org are specified, org takes precedence) - **token** - [required] API token to authenticate to the InfluxDB **InfluxDB <1.8 API parameters**: - **url** - [required] url string of your influxDB - **username** - [required] name of influxDB user - **password** - [required] password of influxDB user Prometheus ---------- Prometheus is a "pull model" time-series database. Prometheus accesses ``asab/v1/metrics`` endpoint of ASAB ApiService. Thus, connecting ASAB to Prometheus requires APIService initialization. However, no more configuration is needed. ASAB metrics are presented to Prometheus in `OpenMetrics `_ standard format. *prometheus.yaml configuration file example:* .. code:: yaml global: scrape_interval: 15s scrape_timeout: 10s evaluation_interval: 15s scrape_configs: - job_name: 'metrics_example' metrics_path: '/asab/v1/metrics' scrape_interval: 10s static_configs: - targets: [''] .. note:: To satisfy the OpenMetrics format required by Prometheus, you should follow the instructions below: - Metrics names must fit regex ``[a-zA-Z:][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*``. (Any other characters are replaced by an underscore. Leading underscores and numbers are stripped. These changes proceed without warning.) - Metrics names MUST NOT end with “total” or “created”. - Tags SHOULD contain items “unit” and “help” providing metadata to Prometheus. - Values MUST be float or integer. Metrics Endpoints ----------------- The **API Service** in ASAB offers several endpoints that monitor internal ASAB functionality. Some of them present the current state of metrics. Check for Swagger documentation of your ASAB Application REST API by visiting the `/doc` endpoint. ``/asab/v1/metrics`` - This endpoint returns metrics in OpenMetrics format and its primary purpose is to satisfy Prometheus database needs. ``/asab/v1/metrics.json`` - This endpoint presents metrics data in JSON format. ``/asab/v1/watch_metrics`` - Use this endpoint for developing or monitoring your app from the terminal. It returns a simple table of ASAB metrics. You can filter metrics by name using the ``filter`` parameter and ``tags`` parameter to show or hide tags. *example commands:* .. code:: watch curl localhost:8080/asab/v1/watch_metrics .. code:: watch curl localhost:8080/asab/v1/watch_metrics?name=web_requests_duration_max,tags=True HTTP Target ----------- For use cases requiring a push model of metrics digestion, there is an HTTP Target. HTTP Target creates a POST request to configured URL with current metrics state sent as JSON body. Configuration is required. *configuration example:* .. code:: [asab:metrics] target=http [asab:metrics:http] url=http://consumer_example:8080/consume Web Requests Metrics -------------------- ASAB :class:`WebService` class automatically provides metrics counting web requests. There are 5 metrics quantifying requests to all ASAB endpoints. - `web_requests` - Counts requests to asab endpoints as events per minute. - `web_requests_duration` - Counts total requests duration to asab endpoints per minute. - `web_requests_duration_min` - Counts minimal request duration to asab endpoints per minute. - `web_requests_duration_max` - Counts maximum request duration to asab endpoints per minute. - `web_requests_duration_hist` - Cumulative histogram counting requests in buckets defined by the request duration. Native Metrics -------------- You can opt out of Native Metrics through configuration by setting `native_metrics` to `false`. Default is `true`. *example configuration* .. code:: [asab:metrics] native_metrics=true **Memory Metrics** A gauge with the name ``os.stat`` gathers information about memory usage by your application. You can find several metric values there: - VmPeak - Peak virtual memory size - VmLck - Locked memory size - VmPin - Pinned memory size - VmHWM - Peak resident set size ("high water mark") - VmRSS - Resident set size - VmData, VmStk, VmExe - Size of data, stack, and text segments - VmLib - Shared library code size - VmPTE - Page table entries size - VmPMD - Size of second-level page tables - VmSwap - Swapped-out virtual memory size by anonymous private pages; shmem swap usage is not included **Logs Counter** There is a default Counter named ``logs`` with values ``warnings``, ``errors``, and ``critical``, counting logs with respective levels. It is a humble tool for application health monitoring. Reference --------- .. autoclass:: MetricsService :show-inheritance: .. automethod:: create_gauge Creates :class:`Gauge` object. .. automethod:: create_counter Creates :class:`Counter` or :class:`CounterWithDynamicTags` object. .. automethod:: create_eps_counter Creates :class:`EPSCounter` object. .. automethod:: create_duty_cycle Creates :class:`DutyCycle` object. .. automethod:: create_aggregation_counter Creates :class:`AggregationCounter` or :class:`AggregationCounterWithDynamicTags` object. .. automethod:: create_histogram Creates :class:`Histogram` or :class:`HistogramWithDynamicTags` object. .. autoclass:: Gauge :show-inheritance: Argument `init_values` is a dictionary with initial values and value names as keys. .. automethod:: set :param name: name of the value :param value: value itself .. autoclass:: Counter :show-inheritance: Argument `init_values` is a dictionary with initial values and value names as keys. If reset is True, Counter resets every 60 seconds. .. automethod:: add .. automethod:: sub .. autoclass:: EPSCounter :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: DutyCycle :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: AggregationCounter :show-inheritance: Values (their names and init_values) can be provided when initializing the metrics or added with :func:`set` method. :func:`add` and :func:`sub` methods are not implemented. .. automethod:: set Applies aggregation function on recent Counter value and value in argument and sets the result as new value of the Counter. .. autoclass:: Histogram :show-inheritance: .. automethod:: set .. autoclass:: CounterWithDynamicTags :show-inheritance: .. automethod:: add .. automethod:: sub .. autoclass:: AggregationCounterWithDynamicTags :show-inheritance: .. automethod:: set .. autoclass:: HistogramWithDynamicTags :show-inheritance: .. automethod:: set