Create microservice with REST API ================================= With this tutorial, you will create a basic ASAB microservice that provides a REST HTTP API. This microservice will implement Create, Read, Update and Delete functionality, in another words CRUD. MongoDB will be used as the database. Prerequisites ------------- 1. Python version 3.6 or later 2. Asynchronous Server App Boilerplate (ASAB) version 20.3 or later 3. MongoDB instance 4. Postman .. note:: We will use Docker to run MongoDB. Docker installation is not covered in this tutorial, but there are scores of good ones online should you run into any trouble. If you're not familiar with Docker yet, it is a great opportunity to start ( Otherwise, you can install MongoDB following one of these tutorials: Components ---------- The microservice consists of several modules (aka Python files). These modules are as follows (and also indicate the file structure) and will be discussed in more detail in the respective sections below, going from top to bottom: .. code:: . └── ─── myrestapi └── ─── ─── tutorial └── └── MongoDB ------- To make things simple, let's use a Docker image. Pull this image: You can simply use the command below to run it. If you choose to run the instance without a password, don't forget to adjust the related **asab.Config** in `./myrestapi/`. .. code:: bash docker run -d -p 27017:27017 \ -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=user \ -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret \ mongo Postman ------- We use Postman to test the webservice REST API. You can download it here: The Postman is fairly straightforward to use. You can create your collection of HTTP requests, save them, or automatically generate documentation. ------------ This is where everything starts. Begin with the shebang line, which tells the executing operating system **python** should execute this program. .. code:: python #!/usr/bin/env python3 Imports follow. All you need here is the application. It is called **TutorialApp**: .. code:: python from myrestapi import TutorialApp Next, instantiate an application class `TutorialApp` in the __main__ of the application, and run it: .. code:: python if __name__ == '__main__': app = TutorialApp() ------ `./myrestapi/` Define the application class `TutorialApp`. Imports first: .. code:: python import asab import asab.web import import Add some default configuration: .. code:: python asab.Config.add_defaults( { 'asab:storage': { 'type': 'mongodb', 'mongodb_uri': 'mongodb://mongouser:mongopassword@mongoipaddress:27017', 'mongodb_database': 'mongodatabase' }, }) .. note:: To make things more simple, Mongo credentials are stored here as a default configuration. Usually, you provide your app with a configuration file using `-c` commandline option. Learn more in section :ref:`configuration-ref`. Next, describe the class, it inherits from the basic ASAB Application class, but you need to expand it a little: .. code:: python class TutorialApp(asab.Application): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Register modules self.add_module(asab.web.Module) self.add_module( # Locate the web service self.WebService = self.get_service("asab.WebService") self.WebContainer = asab.web.WebContainer( self.WebService, "web" ) self.WebContainer.WebApp.middlewares.append( ) # Initialize services from .tutorial.handler import CRUDWebHandler from .tutorial.service import CRUDService self.CRUDService = CRUDService(self) self.CRUDWebHandler = CRUDWebHandler( self, self.CRUDService ) \_\_init\_\ ---------------- `./myrestapi/` Init file is needed so myrestapi will work as a module. Just import the TutorialApp. .. code:: python from .app import TutorialApp __all__ = [ "TutorialApp", ] ---------- `./myrestapi/tutorial/` The handler is where HTTP Rest calls are handled and transformed into the actual (internal) service calls. From another perspective, the handler should contain only translation between REST calls and the service interface. No actual 'business logic' should be here. It is strongly suggested to build these CRUD methods one by one and test them straight away. If you haven't set up your database test instance yet, now is the time to do it. As usual, we start by importing modules: .. code:: python import asab import Let's start with two methods - `create` and `read` which allow us to write into database and check the record. .. code:: python class CRUDWebHandler(object): def __init__(self, app, mongo_svc): self.CRUDService = mongo_svc web_app = app.WebContainer.WebApp web_app.router.add_put( '/crud-myrestapi/{collection}', self.create ) web_app.router.add_get( '/crud-myrestapi/{collection}/{id}', ){ 'type': 'object', 'properties': { '_id': {'type': 'string'}, 'field1': {'type': 'string'}, 'field2': {'type': 'number'}, 'field3': {'type': 'number'} }}) async def create(self, request, *, json_data): collection = request.match_info['collection'] result = await self.CRUDService.create( collection, json_data ) if result: return request, {"result": "OK"} ) else: request, {"result": "FAILED"} ) async def read(self, request): collection = request.match_info['collection'] key = request.match_info['id'] response = await collection, key ) return request, response ) The handler only accepts the incoming requests and returns appropriate responses. All of the "logic", be it the specifics of the database connection, additional validations and other operations take place in the CRUDService. POST and PUT requests typically come with data in their body. Providing your `WebContainer` with `JsonExceptionMiddleware` enables you to validate a JSON input using `` decorator and JSON schema ( .. note:: ASAB WebServer is built on top of the aiohttp library. For further details please visit ---------- `./myrestapi/tutorial/` As mentioned above, this is where the inner workings of the microservice request processing are. Let's start as usual, by importing the desired modules: .. code:: python import asab import We want to start logging in here: .. code:: python import logging # L = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Now define the CRUDService class which inherits from the `asab.Service` class. .. note:: `asab.Service` is a lightweight yet powerful abstract class providing your object with 3 functionalities: - Name of the `asab.Service` is registered in the app and can be called from the `app` object anywhere in your code. - `asab.Service` class implements `initialize()` and `finalize()` coroutines which help you to handle asynchronous operations in init and exit time of your application. - `asab.Service` registers application object as `self.App` for you. .. code:: python class CRUDService(asab.Service): def __init__(self, app, service_name='crud.CRUDService'): super().__init__(app, service_name) self.MongoDBStorageService = app.get_service( "asab.StorageService" ) async def create(self, collection, json_data): obj_id = json_data.pop("_id") cre = self.MongoDBStorageService.upsertor( collection, obj_id ) for key, value in zip( json_data.keys(), json_data.values() ): cre.set(key, value) try: await cre.execute() return "OK" except L.warning( "Document you are trying to create already exists." ) return None async def read(self, collection, obj_id): response = await self.MongoDBStorageService.get( collection, obj_id ) return response `asab.StorageService` initialized in `` as part of the `` enables connection to MongoDB. Further on, two methods provide the handler with the desired functionalities. Now test it! ------------ The application is implicitly running on an **8080** port. Open the Postman and set a new request. Try the PUT method: .. code:: Insert into the request body: .. code:: { "_id": "1", "field1": "something new", "field2": 5555, "field3": 44424 } When there's a record in your database, try to read it! For example with this GET request: .. code:: Is your response with a 200 status code? Does it return desired data? .. note:: **TROUBLESHOOTING** **ERROR** .. code:: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymongo.mongo_replica_set_client' Try: .. code:: pip install motor **ERROR** .. code:: OSError: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 8080): address already in use Try to kill process listening on 8080 or add [web] section into configuration: .. code:: asab.Config.add_defaults( { 'asab:storage': { 'type': 'mongodb', 'mongodb_uri': 'mongodb://mongouser:mongopassword@mongoipaddress:27017', 'mongodb_database': 'mongodatabase' }, 'web': { 'listen': ' 8081' } }) **ERROR** No error at all, no response either. Try to check the Mongo database credentials. Do your credentials in the configuration in `` fit the ones you entered when running the Mongo Docker image? Up and running! Congratulation on your first ASAB microservice! Oh, wait... **C**, **R**... What about **Update** and **Delete** you ask? You already know everything to add the next functionality! Accept the challenge and try it yourself! Or check out the code below. Update and Delete ----------------- **** `./myrestapi/tutorial/` .. code:: python import asab import class CRUDWebHandler(object): def __init__(self, app, mongo_svc): self.CRUDService = mongo_svc web_app = app.WebContainer.WebApp web_app.router.add_put( '/crud-myrestapi/{collection}', self.create ) web_app.router.add_get( '/crud-myrestapi/{collection}/{id}', ) web_app.router.add_put( '/crud-myrestapi/{collection}/{id}', self.update ) web_app.router.add_delete( '/crud-myrestapi/{collection}/{id}', self.delete ){ 'type': 'object', 'properties': { '_id': {'type': 'string'}, 'field1': {'type': 'string'}, 'field2': {'type': 'number'}, 'field3': {'type': 'number'} }}) async def create(self, request, *, json_data): collection = request.match_info['collection'] result = await self.CRUDService.create( collection, json_data ) if result: return request, {"result": "OK"} ) else: request, {"result": "FAILED"} ) async def read(self, request): collection = request.match_info['collection'] key = request.match_info['id'] response = await collection, key ) return request, response ){ 'type': 'object', 'properties': { '_id': {'type': 'string'}, 'field1': {'type': 'string'}, 'field2': {'type': 'number'}, 'field3': {'type': 'number'} }}) async def update(self, request, *, json_data): collection = request.match_info['collection'] obj_id = request.match_info["id"] result = await self.CRUDService.update( collection, obj_id, json_data ) if result: return request, {"result": "OK"} ) else: request, {"result": "FAILED"} ) async def delete(self, request): collection = request.match_info['collection'] obj_id = request.match_info["id"] result = await self.CRUDService.delete( collection, obj_id ) if result: return request, {"result": "OK"} ) else: request, {"result": "FAILED"} ) **** `./myrestapi/tutorial/` .. code:: python import asab import import logging # L = logging.getLogger(__name__) # class CRUDService(asab.Service): def __init__(self, app, service_name='crud.CRUDService'): super().__init__(app, service_name) self.MongoDBStorageService = app.get_service( "asab.StorageService" ) async def create(self, collection, json_data): obj_id = json_data.pop("_id") cre = self.MongoDBStorageService.upsertor( collection, obj_id ) for key, value in zip( json_data.keys(), json_data.values() ): cre.set(key, value) try: await cre.execute() return "OK" except L.warning( "Document you are trying to create already exists." ) return None async def read(self, collection, obj_id): response = await self.MongoDBStorageService.get( collection, obj_id ) return response async def update(self, collection, obj_id, document): original = await collection, obj_id ) cre = self.MongoDBStorageService.upsertor( collection, original["_id"], original["_v"] ) for key, value in zip( document.keys(), document.values() ): cre.set(key, value) try: await cre.execute() return "OK" except KeyError: return None async def delete(self, collection, obj_id): try: await self.MongoDBStorageService.delete( collection, obj_id ) return True except KeyError: return False