Source code for asab.pubsub

import logging
import asyncio
import weakref
import functools


L = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class PubSub(object): def __init__(self, app): self.subscribers = {} self.Loop = app.Loop
[docs] def subscribe(self, message_type, callback): """ Subscribe a subscriber to the an message type. It could be even plain function, method or its coroutine variant (then it will be delivered in a dedicated future) """ # If subscribe is a bound method, do special treatment # if hasattr(callback, '__self__'): callback = weakref.WeakMethod(callback) else: callback = weakref.ref(callback) if message_type not in self.subscribers: self.subscribers[message_type] = set([callback]) else: self.subscribers[message_type].add(callback)
[docs] def subscribe_all(self, obj): """ Find all @asab.subscribe decorated methods on the obj and do subscription """ for member_name in dir(obj): member = getattr(obj, member_name) message_types = getattr(member, 'asab_pubsub_subscribe_to_message_types', None) if message_types is not None: for message_type in message_types: self.subscribe(message_type, member)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, message_type, callback): """ Remove a subscriber of an message type from the set. """ callback_set = self.subscribers.get(message_type) if callback_set is None: L.warning("Message type subscription '{}'' not found.".format(message_type)) return else: try: callback_set.remove(callback) except KeyError: L.warning("Subscriber '{}'' not found for the message type '{}'.".format(message_type, callback))
def _callback_iter(self, message_type): def _deliver_async(loop, callback, message_type, *args, **kwargs): asyncio.ensure_future(callback(message_type, *args, **kwargs), loop=loop) callback_set = self.subscribers.get(message_type) if callback_set is None: return remove_set = None for callback_ref in callback_set: callback = callback_ref() # Check if a weak reference is working if callback is None: # a reference is lost if remove_set is None: remove_set = set() remove_set.add(callback_ref) continue if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(callback): callback = functools.partial(_deliver_async, self.Loop, callback) yield callback if remove_set is not None: for callback_ref in remove_set: callback_set.remove(callback_ref)
[docs] def publish(self, message_type, *args, **kwargs): """ Notify subscribers of an message type. Including arguments. """ asynchronously = kwargs.pop('asynchronously', False) if asynchronously: for callback in self._callback_iter(message_type): self.Loop.call_soon(functools.partial(callback, message_type, *args, **kwargs)) else: for callback in self._callback_iter(message_type): callback(message_type, *args, **kwargs)
### class subscribe(object): ''' Decorator Usage: @asab.subscribe("tick") def on_tick(self, message_type): print("Service tick") ''' def __init__(self, message_type): self.message_type = message_type def __call__(self, f): if getattr(f, 'asab_pubsub_subscribe_to_message_types', None) is None: f.asab_pubsub_subscribe_to_message_types = [self.message_type] else: f.asab_pubsub_subscribe_to_message_types.append(self.message_type) return f ###
[docs]class Subscriber(object): ''' :any:`Subscriber` object allows to consume PubSub messages in coroutines. It subscribes for various message types and consumes them. It works on FIFO basis (First message In, first message Out). If ``pubsub`` argument is None, the initial subscription is skipped. .. code:: python subscriber = asab.Subscriber( app.PubSub, "Application.tick!", "Application.stop!" ) ''' def __init__(self, pubsub = None, *message_types): self._q = asyncio.Queue() self._subscriptions = [] if pubsub is not None: for message_type in message_types: self.subscribe(pubsub, message_type)
[docs] def subscribe(self, pubsub, message_type): ''' Subscribe for more message types. This method can be called many times with various ``pubsub`` objects. ''' pubsub.subscribe(message_type, self) self._subscriptions.append((pubsub, message_type))
def __call__(self, message_type, *args, **kwargs): self._q.put_nowait((message_type, args, kwargs))
[docs] def message(self): ''' Wait for a message asynchronously. Returns a three-members tuple ``(message_type, args, kwargs)``. # Use in await statement message = await subscriber.message() ''' return self._q.get()
def __aiter__(self): ''' Wait for a message asynchronously. Returns a three-members tuple ``(message_type, args, kwargs)``. # Use in a "async for" statement async for message in subscriber: handle(message) ''' return self async def __anext__(self): return await self._q.get()