Source code for asab.timer

import asyncio

[docs]class Timer(object): ''' T.__init__(app, handler, autorestart=False) -> Timer. The relative and optionally repeating timer for asyncio. This class is simple relative timer that generate an event after a given time, and optionally repeating in regular intervals after that. :param app: An ASAB application. :param handler: A coro or future that will be called when a timer triggers. :param boolean autorestart: If `True` then a timer will be automatically restarted after triggering. :ivar Handler: A coro or future that will be called when a timer triggers. :ivar Task: A future that represent the timer task. :ivar App: An ASAB app. :ivar boolean AutoRestart: If `True` then a timer will be automatically restarted after triggering. The timer object is initialized as stopped. *Note*: The implementation idea is borrowed from "`Python - Timer with asyncio/coroutine <>`_" question on StackOverflow. ''' def __init__(self, app, handler, autorestart=False): self.App = app self.Handler = handler self.Task = None self.AutoRestart = autorestart app.PubSub.subscribe("Application.stop!", self._on_stop)
[docs] def start(self, timeout): ''' Start the timer. :param float/int timeout: A timer delay in seconds. ''' if self.is_started(): raise RuntimeError("Timer is already started") self.Task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._job(timeout), loop=self.App.Loop)
[docs] def stop(self): ''' Stop the timer. ''' if self.Task is not None: self.Task.cancel() self.Task = None
[docs] def restart(self, timeout): ''' Restart the timer. :param float/int timeout: A timer delay in seconds. ''' if self.is_started(): self.stop() self.start(timeout)
[docs] def is_started(self): ''' T.is_started() -> boolean Return `True` is the timer is started otherwise returns `False`. ''' return self.Task is not None
async def _job(self, timeout): await asyncio.sleep(timeout) self.Task = None if self.AutoRestart: self.start(timeout) await self.Handler() def _on_stop(self, message_type, n): # This is to ensure timer stop on application exit self.stop()