Application =========== .. py:currentmodule:: asab .. py:class:: Application() The :py:class:`Application` class maintains the global application state. You can provide your own implementation by creating a subclass. There should be only one :py:class:`Application` object in the process. Subclassing: .. code:: python import asab class MyApplication(asab.Application): pass if __name__ == '__main__': app = MyApplication() Direct use of :py:class:`Application` object: .. code:: python import asab if __name__ == '__main__': app = asab.Application() Event Loop ---------- .. py:attribute:: Application.Loop The :py:mod:`asyncio` event loop that is used by this application. .. code:: python asyncio.ensure_future(my_coro(), loop=Application.Loop) Application Lifecycle --------------------- The application lifecycle is divided into 3 phases: init-time, run-time and exit-time. Init-time ^^^^^^^^^ .. py:method:: Application.__init__() The init-time happens during :py:class:`Application` constructor call. The Publish-Subscribe message :any:`Application.init!` is published during init-time. The :class:`Config` is loaded during init-time. .. py:method:: Application.initialize() The application object executes asynchronous callback ``Application.initialize()``, which can be overriden by an user. .. code:: python class MyApplication(asab.Application): async def initialize(self): # Custom initialization from module_sample import Module self.add_module(Module) Run-time ^^^^^^^^ .. py:method:: Enter a run-time. This is where the application spends the most time typically. The Publish-Subscribe message :any:`!` is published when run-time begins. The method returns the value of :any:`Application.ExitCode`. .. py:method:: Application.main() The application object executes asynchronous callback ``Application.main()``, which can be overriden. If ``main()`` method is completed without calling ``stop()``, then the application server will run forever (this is the default behaviour). .. code:: python class MyApplication(asab.Application): async def main(self): print("Hello world!") self.stop() .. py:method:: Application.stop(exit_code:int=None) The method ``Application.stop()`` gracefully terminates the run-time and commence the exit-time. This method is automatically called by ``SIGINT`` and ``SIGTERM``. It also includes a response to ``Ctrl-C`` on UNIX-like system. When this method is called 3x, it abruptly exits the application (aka emergency abort). The parameter ``exit_code`` allows you to specify the application exit code (see *Exit-Time* chapter). *Note:* You need to install :py:mod:`win32api` module to use ``Ctrl-C`` or an emergency abord properly with ASAB on Windows. It is an optional dependency of ASAB. Exit-time ^^^^^^^^^ .. py:method:: Application.finalize() The application object executes asynchronous callback ``Application.finalize()``, which can be overriden by an user. .. code:: python class MyApplication(asab.Application): async def finalize(self): # Custom finalization ... The Publish-Subscribe message :any:`Application.exit!` is published when exit-time begins. .. py:method:: Application.set_exit_code(exit_code:int, force:bool=False) Set the exit code of the application, see ``os.exit()`` in the Python documentation. If ``force`` is ``False``, the exit code will be set only if the previous value is lower than the new one. If ``force`` is ``True``, the exit code value is set to a ``exit_code`` disregarding the previous value. .. py:attribute:: Application.ExitCode The actual value of the exit code. The example of the exit code handling in the ``main()`` function of the application. .. code:: python if __name__ == '__main__': app = asab.Application() exit_code = sys.exit(exit_code) Module registry --------------- For more details see :py:class:`Module` class. .. py:method:: Application.add_module(module_class) Initialize and add a new module. The ``module_class`` class will be instantiated during the method call. .. code:: python class MyApplication(asab.Application): async def initialize(self): from my_module import MyModule self.add_module(MyModule) .. py:attribute:: Application.Modules A list of modules that has been added to the application. Service registry ---------------- Each service is identified by its unique service name. For more details see :py:class:`Service` class. .. py:method:: Application.get_service(service_name) Locate a service by its service name in a registry and return the ``Service`` object. .. code:: python svc = app.get_service("service_sample") svc.hello() .. py:attribute:: Application.Services A dictionary of registered services. Command-line parser ------------------- .. py:method:: Application.parse_args() The application object calls this method during init-time to process a command-line arguments. :py:mod:`argparse` is used to process arguments. You can overload this method to provide your own implementation of command-line argument parser. .. py:data:: Application.Description The :py:data:`Description` attribute is a text that will be displayed in a help text (``--help``). It is expected that own value will be provided. The default value is ``""`` (empty string).