Configuration ============= .. py:currentmodule:: asab .. py:data:: Config The configuration is provided by :py:obj:`Config` object which is a singleton. It means that you can access :py:obj:`Config` from any place of your code, without need of explicit initialisation. .. code:: python import asab # Initialize application object and hence the configuration app = asab.Application() # Access configuration values anywhere my_conf_value = asab.Config['section_name']['key1'] Based on ConfigParser --------------------- The :py:obj:`Config` is inherited from Python Standard Library :py:class:`configparser.ConfigParser` class. which implements a basic configuration language which provides a structure similar to what’s found in Microsoft Windows INI files. .. py:currentmodule:: asab.config .. py:class:: ConfigParser Example of the configuration file: .. code:: ini [] User = hg [] Port = 50022 ForwardX11 = no And this is how you access configuration values: .. code:: python >>> asab.Config['']['ForwardX11'] 'no' .. py:currentmodule:: asab Automatic load of configuration ------------------------------- If a configuration file name is specified, the configuration is automatically loaded from a configuration file during initialiation time of :py:class:`Application`. The configuration file name can be specified by one of ``-c`` command-line argument (1), ``ASAB_CONFIG`` environment variable (2) or config ``[general] config_file`` default value (3). .. code:: shell ./ -c ./etc/sample.conf Including other configuration files ----------------------------------- You can specify one or more additional configuration files that are loaded and merged from an main configuration file. It is done by ``[general] include`` configuration value. Multiple paths are separated by ``os.pathsep`` (``:`` on Unix). The path can be specified as a glob (e.g. use of ``*`` and ``?`` wildcard characters), it will be expanded by ``glob`` module from Python Standard Library. Included configuration files may not exists, this situation is silently ignored. .. code:: ini [general] include=./etc/site.conf:./etc/site.d/*.conf Configuration default values ---------------------------- .. py:method:: Config.add_defaults(dictionary) This is how you can extend configuration default values: .. code:: python asab.Config.add_defaults( { 'section_name': { 'key1': 'value', 'key2': 'another value' }, 'other_section': { 'key3': 'value', }, } ) Environment variables in configration ------------------------------------- Environment variables found in values are automaticall expanded. .. code:: ini [section_name] persistent_dir=${HOME}/.myapp/ .. code:: python >>> asab.Config['section_name']['persistent_dir'] '/home/user/.myapp/'