Authorization and multitenancy

The asab.web.auth module provides authentication and authorization of incoming requests. This enables your application to differentiate between users, grant or deny them API access depending on their permissions and work with other relevant user data.

The module also implements multitenancy, meaning that your app can be used by a number of independent subjects (tenants, for example companies) without interfering with each other.

The auth module requires an authorization server to function. It works best with Seacat Auth authorization server (See its documentation for setup instructions).

Getting started

To get started, initialize AuthService and install it in your asab.web.WebContainer:

class MyApplication(asab.Application):
    def __init__(self):

        # Initialize web container
        self.WebService = self.get_service("asab.WebService")
        self.WebContainer = asab.web.WebContainer(self.WebService, "web")

        # Initialize authorization service and install the decorators
        self.AuthService = asab.web.auth.AuthService(self)


You may also need to specify your authorization server’s public_keys_url (also known as jwks_uri in OAuth 2.0). In case you don’t have any authorization server at hand, you can run the auth module in dev_mode. See the Configuration section for details.

Every handler in WebContainer now accepts only requests with a valid authentication. Unauthenticated requests are automatically answered with HTTP 401 Unauthorized. Authenticated requests will be inspected for user info, authorized user tenant and resources. These attributes are passed to the handler method, if the method in question has the corresponding keyword arguments (user_info, tenant and resources). In the following example, the method will receive user_info and resources from the request:

async def order_breakfast(self, request, *, tenant, user_info, resources):
    user_id = user_info["sub"]
    user_name = user_info["preferred_username"]
    if "pancakes:eat" in resources:
    return, {"result": "Your breakfast is being prepared!"})

See examples/ for a full demo ASAB application with auth module.


The asab.web.auth module is configured in the [auth] section with the following options:


(URL, default: http://localhost:8081/openidconnect/public_keys) The URL of the authorization server’s public keys (also known as jwks_uri in OAuth 2.0).


(boolean, default: yes) Toggles the behavior of endpoints with configurable tenant parameter. When enabled, the tenant query paramerter is required. When disabled, the tenant query paramerter is ignored and set to None. In dev mode, the multitenancy switch is ignored and the tenant parameter is taken into account only when it is present in query, otherwise it is set to None.


(boolean, default: no) In dev mode, all incoming requests are authenticated and authorized with mock user info. There is no communication with authorization server (so it is not necessary to configure public_keys_url in dev mode).


(path, default: /conf/dev-userinfo.json) Path to JSON file that contains mock user info used in dev mode. The structure of user info should follow the OpenID Connect userinfo definition and also contain the resources object.


Strictly multitenant endpoints

Strictly multitenant endpoints always operate within a tenant, hence they need the tenant parameter to be always provided. Such endpoints must define the tenant parameter in their URL path and include tenant argument in the handler method. Auth service extracts the tenant from the URL path, validates the tenant existence, checks if the request is authorized for the tenant and finally passes the tenant name to the handler method.

Example handler:

class MenuHandler:
    def __init__(self, app):
        self.MenuService = app.get_service("MenuService")
        router = app.WebContainer.WebApp.router
        # Add a path with `tenant` parameter
        router.add_get("/{tenant}/todays-menu", self.get_todays_menu)

    # Define handler method with `tenant` argument in the signature
    async def get_todays_menu(self, request, *, tenant):
        menu = await self.MenuService.get_todays_menu(tenant)
        return, data=menu)

Example request:

GET http://localhost:8080/lazy-raccoon-bistro/todays-menu

Configurably multitenant endpoints

Configurably multitenant endpoints usually operate within a tenant, but they can also operate in tenantless mode if the application is configured so. When you create an endpoint without tenant parameter in the URL path and with tenant argument in the handler method, the Auth service will either expect the tenant parameter to be provided in the URL query if mutlitenancy is enabled, or to not be provided at all if multitenancy is disabled. Use the multitenancy boolean switch in the [auth] config section to control the multitenancy setting.

  • If multitenancy is enabled, the request’s query string must include a tenant parameter. Requests without
    the tenant query result in Bad request (HTTP 400).
  • If multitenancy is disabled, the tenant argument in the handler method is set to None.
    Any tenant parameter in the query string is ignored.

Example handler:

class MenuHandler:
    def __init__(self, app):
        self.MenuService = app.get_service("MenuService")
        router = app.WebContainer.WebApp.router
        # Add a path without `tenant` parameter
        router.add_get("/todays-menu", self.get_todays_menu)

    # Define handler method with `tenant` argument in the signature
    async def get_todays_menu(self, request, *, tenant):
        menu = await self.MenuService.get_todays_menu(tenant)
        return, data=menu)

Example request (with multitenancy on):

GET http://localhost:8080/todays-menu?tenant=lazy-raccoon-bistro

Example request (with multitenancy off):

GET http://localhost:8080/todays-menu

Development mode

In dev mode, actual authorization is disabled and replaced with mock authorization. Useful for developing ASAB apps without authorization server. Activate by enabling dev_mode in the [auth] config section. You can also specify a path to a JSON file with your own mocked userinfo payload [auth] dev_user_info_path:


When dev mode is enabled, you don’t have to provide public_keys_url as this option is ignored.



Handler decorators