Source code for

import abc
import secrets
import hashlib
import logging
import asab
import re

	import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers
	import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms
	import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes
except ModuleNotFoundError:
	cryptography = None


L = logging.getLogger(__name__)


ENCRYPTED_PREFIX = b"$aes-cbc$"

[docs]class StorageServiceABC(asab.Service): def __init__(self, app, service_name): super().__init__(app, service_name) self.WebhookURIs = asab.Config.get("asab:storage:changestream", "webhook_uri", fallback="") or None if self.WebhookURIs is not None: self.WebhookURIs = [uri for uri in re.split(r"\s+", self.WebhookURIs) if len(uri) > 0] try: self.ProactorService = app.get_service("asab.ProactorService") except KeyError as e: raise Exception("Storage webhooks require ProactorService") from e self.WebhookAuth = asab.Config.get("asab:storage:changestream", "webhook_auth", fallback="") or None # Specify a non-empty AES key to enable AES encryption of selected fields self._AESKey = asab.Config.get("asab:storage", "aes_key", fallback="") if len(self._AESKey) > 0: if cryptography is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "You are using storage encryption without 'cryptography' installed. " "Please run 'pip install cryptography' " "or install asab with 'storage_encryption' optional dependency.") self._AESKey = hashlib.sha256(self._AESKey.encode("utf-8")).digest() else: self._AESKey = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def upsertor(self, collection: str, obj_id=None, version: int = 0): """ Create an upsertor object for the specified collection. If updating an existing object, please specify its `obj_id` and also `version` that you need to read from a storage upfront. If `obj_id` is None, we assume that you want to insert a new object and generate its new `obj_id`, `version` should be set to 0 (default) in that case. If you want to insert a new object with a specific `obj_id`, specify `obj_id` and set a version to 0. - If there will be a colliding object already stored in a storage, `execute()` method will fail on `DuplicateError`. :param collection: Name of collection to work with :param obj_id: Primary identification of an object in the storage (e.g. primary key) :param version: Specify a current version of the object and hence prevent byzantine faults. \ You should always read the version from the storage upfront, prior using an upsertor. \ That creates a soft lock on the record. It means that if the object is updated by other \ component in meanwhile, your upsertor will fail and you should retry the whole operation. \ The new objects should have a `version` set to 0. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def get(self, collection: str, obj_id, decrypt=None) -> dict: """ Get object from collection by its ID. :param collection: Collection to get from. :type collection: str :param obj_id: Object identification. :param decrypt: Set of fields to decrypt. :return: The object retrieved from a storage. :raise KeyError: Raised if `obj_id` is not found in `collection`. """ pass
@abc.abstractmethod async def get_by(self, collection: str, key: str, value, decrypt=None): """ Get object from collection by its key and value. :param collection: Collection to get from :param key: Key to filter on :param value: Value to filter on :param decrypt: Set of fields to decrypt :return: The object retrieved from a storage Raises: KeyError: If object {key: value} not found in `collection` """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def delete(self, collection: str, obj_id): """ Delete object from collection. :param collection: Collection to get from :type collection: str :param obj_id: Object identification :return: ID of the deleted object. :raise KeyError: Raised when obj_id cannot be found in collection. """ pass
[docs] def aes_encrypt(self, raw: bytes, iv: bytes = None) -> bytes: """ Take an array of bytes and encrypt it using AES-CBC. :param raw: The data to be encrypted. :type raw: bytes :param iv: AES-CBC initialization vector, 16 bytes long. If left empty, a random 16-byte array will be used. :type iv: bytes :return: The encrypted data. :raise TypeError: The data are not in binary format. """ block_size = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.AES.block_size // 8 if self._AESKey is None: raise RuntimeError( "No aes_key specified in asab:storage configuration. " "If you want to use encryption, specify a non-empty aes_key." ) if not isinstance(raw, bytes): if isinstance(raw, str): raise TypeError("String objects must be encoded before encryption") else: raise TypeError("Only 'bytes' objects can be encrypted") # Pad the text to fit the blocks pad_length = -len(raw) % block_size if pad_length != 0: raw = raw + b"\00" * pad_length if iv is None: iv = secrets.token_bytes(block_size) algorithm = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.AES(self._AESKey) mode = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes.CBC(iv) cipher = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.Cipher(algorithm, mode) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() encrypted = ENCRYPTED_PREFIX + iv + (encryptor.update(raw) + encryptor.finalize()) return encrypted
[docs] def aes_decrypt(self, encrypted: bytes) -> bytes: """ Decrypt encrypted data using AES-CBC. :param encrypted: The encrypted data to decrypt. It must start with b"$aes-cbc$" prefix, followed by one-block-long initialization vector. :type encrypted: bytes :return: The decrypted data. """ block_size = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.AES.block_size // 8 if self._AESKey is None: raise RuntimeError( "No aes_key specified in asab:storage configuration. " "If you want to use encryption, specify a non-empty aes_key." ) if not isinstance(encrypted, bytes): raise TypeError("Only values of type 'bytes' can be decrypted") # Strip the prefix if not encrypted.startswith(ENCRYPTED_PREFIX): raise ValueError("Encrypted data must start with {!r} prefix".format(ENCRYPTED_PREFIX)) encrypted = encrypted[len(ENCRYPTED_PREFIX):] # Separate the initialization vector iv, encrypted = encrypted[:block_size], encrypted[block_size:] algorithm = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.AES(self._AESKey) mode = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes.CBC(iv) cipher = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.Cipher(algorithm, mode) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() raw = decryptor.update(encrypted) + decryptor.finalize() # Strip padding raw = raw.rstrip(b"\x00") return raw
def encryption_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Check if AESKey is not empty. """ return self._AESKey is not None